Topics include everything from how to add and format data to the creation of PivotTables to the dreaded macros and mail merges. You can select the guides relevant to your current needs or explore them one at a time to get the full breadth of what Excel can do. Some tutorials even have sections where you can try out the techniques yourself right in your browser, giving you hands-on time as you move forward. You can learn Excel basics from creating and saving workbooks to conditional formatting and more.
Each larger section is broken down into easily digestible chunks, making even VBA less intimidating to those who want to learn Excel in its entirety. Some of the more advanced features must be purchased, but you can go a long way here without spending a dime. Excel Central is another site where the basics are free, and you can choose between four versions of the program to ensure you learn Excel in a way that gives you the most value.
While Excel Hero targets those who already have a basic understanding of the program, it is still a great resource for beginners. Hundreds of workbooks are available for download, including some that were produced for fun like the collection of optical illusions. This site mostly contains products that must be purchased, but the blog includes a variety of tips and tricks that can help you learn Excel. Additionally, free webinars are held often, helping you gain insight into featured topics.
Understand basic functionality and advanced Microsoft Excel techniques Create spreadsheets, learn to use formulas and work within lists Learn how to input illustrations and charts Master data visualizations You will also learn the more advanced features of Excel and learn to work with pivot tables, audit worksheets, work with data tools, protect documents for collaboration with others, and work with macros. Course Information Course Number:. Course Date Info:.
Course Format:. Course Fee s :. Continuing Education Information Textbooks Requirements:. Manuals are included as downloadable PDFs throughout the program. Join The Mailing List. Ask a Question.