Windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download.Free update in 2018 for Windows 10 Home?

Microsoft releases new feature updates for the company's Windows 10 operating system twice a year which introduce new features and changes. While there are plenty of good reasons not to install feature updates right awaythere is also some confusion on how to download and install feature updates for Windows Microsoft released the Windows 10 October Update on October 2, The company published How to get the Windows 10 October Update on the same day, and revealed in it that users just have to press the "check for updates" button in the Settings app to download and install the update.

Problem is, this won't work for all systems because the update won't be offered if Microsoft's machine learning algorithms have determined that the installation of the update may be problematic on the device. If we detect that your device has a compatibility issue, we will not install the update until that issue is resolved, even if you "Check for updates". Tip : make sure that your system has enough free storage space to install the Windows update. Check out our tips on freeing hard drive space here.

The following paragraphs list all official methods of download new Windows 10 feature updates and installing those updates to machines running Windows Starting in late MayWindows Update splits feature updates from regular updates for the operating system.

Windows Update displays if a new feature update is available, windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download lists a separate download and install now option on Windows Update. Microsoft's official solution for installing a Windows 10 Feature Update is to run a manual check for updates. If things go as planned, Windows 10 should pick up the new feature update, download it, and install it afterward.

The method has significant downsides: first, that Microsoft's machine learning algorithms may prevent the delivery of the update to the system at that time. Second, that Windows Update will download and install any other update that may not have been installed yet on the machine.

Last but not least, the update is only downloaded for that machine and that update process. If things go wrong, you may need to download the update again. The Update Assistant is an official program by Microsoft to update older versions of Windows 10 to newer versions introduced by feature updates. What is good about the program is that it checks the installed version and tells you right away if an update is available. You can download the Update Assistant from the Microsoft website and run it right after you have downloaded windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download to the system you want to upgrade to a new version of Windows.

Hit the "update now" button if an update is found to download and install the feature update on the PC or select "do not update now" to skip the update for the time being. The Update Assistant gives you more control than Windows Update as you can select not to upgrade at the time. Its main downside is that you need to run it on the system that you want to upgrade. If you need to upgrade multiple windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download, you need to run the tool on each and it will download the installation files on each separately.

Microsoft's Media Creation Tool is primarily for customers who want to create installation media. While it is possible to run the tool to update the machine it is run on, its primary purpose is the creation of installation media. All that is required is to download the latest version of the tool from the Microsoft website and run it afterward. Note : The program requires Internet access to download the installation files to the system. Just boot the PC from the installation media when you want to install the feature update to upgrade it.

It is also possible to use the installation media to install Windows 10 anew on a PC. The main downside of this method is that windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download add another step to the installation process and that you need a blank DVD or a Flash Drive to make use of it.

My update method stopped on and will not upgrade in any forseable future. Next upgrade will be full transfer to Linux Mint. Wise decision. You can skip old updates. I use WPD or Winaero Tweaker to block all updates and then get updates for my version when Martin lists them here windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download month if Winaero Tweaker is used, you must temporarily disable the block updates feature to even manually install any update. When a feature update is released, I use the Media Creation Tool.

When you run it, at the very start there is an option to select update this machine instead of create update media. The Media Update Tool is always specific to the new version and will install that version only. I have already downloaded the version to the Media Creation Tool and will wait a month to update from to let some of the bugs get fixed.

Actually worse than LTSB I honestly am impressed by how terrible the Windows 10 experience is nowadays. And this is supposed to be the better SKU. The task manager bugs will probably be patched up on Tuesday. Always in Beta indeed like Skype 8. Download ISO. Shut down all unnecessary processes.

Go get a cup of tea and biscuits. Put the tv on. I am very pleased to have upgraded ro Build ,1 yesterday. For my home netbook x64 it took 69 minutes to install from download via WU method 1, through final restart. Several tips were useful to me. For the next Feature Update I will use method 2 in all probability. As an aside, the Make Text Bigger feature is super for me.

Magnifier and my handheld magnifier are much less needed. Incorrect CPU levels are an expected issue and so is some icons blinking in task manager. They will be patched up on Tuesday. This is completely wrong!!! The Media Creation Tool also has the ability to install windows without the need of a dvd or flash drive!!! Updated an old got in PC from to today.

Took about 2 hours, as it is still running on old HDDs. Tested all commonly used programs. Only one failed, but it is a beta product. The previous version is also installed and still works. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please click on the following link to open the newsletter signup page: Ghacks Newsletter Sign up.

Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann. It has since then become one of the most popular tech news sites on the Internet with five authors and regular contributions from freelance writers.

Search for:. How to download and install Windows 10 Feature Updates. Did you know that there are multiple ways windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download download and install feature updates for Windows 10? Our guide lists all official options. Martin Brinkmann. Related content Windows 11 Insider Preview Build Microsoft rolls out KB emergency Windows Update to fix PrintNightmare vulnerabilities, but it seems to be affecting Zebra printers.

No direct upgrade path from Windows 7 or 8. Try this fix if you get "This pc can't run Windows 11" during setup. How to block the Windows 11 update. Here's what's new in the Microsoft Store app in Windows 11; a better design, ratings, screenshots in windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download and more.

Previous Post: « Microsoft to offer xonly Windows 10 feature updates for businesses Next Post: « Bugs and issues of Windows 10 version Comments Anders said windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download October 3, windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download pm. Malte said on October 3, at pm. Yuliya said on October 3, at pm. Lakas said on October 3, at pm. TL said on October 3, at pm. Onesolo said on October 3, at pm.

LogicDaemon said on October 3, at pm. RossN said on October 4, at am. Pierre said on October 4, at pm. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Comment Check the box to consent to your data being stored in line with the guidelines set out in our privacy policy We love comments and welcome thoughtful and civilized discussion. Rudeness and personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Please stay on-topic. Please note that your comment may not appear immediately after you post it. Spread the Word. Published in: July 8, pm Updated windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download July 8, pm. Published in: July 8, am Updated in: July 8, am.

Published in: January 16, pm Updated in: July 8, am. Published in: July 3, am Updated in: July 7, am. Deal of the day.

Windows 10 latest update features 2018 free download.Get the latest Windows update

Oct 02,  · How to Download the Windows 10 October Update Now. The Windows 10 October Update is here. Most PC users will probably want to wait until the update hits their machines, but if you want Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins. Windows 10 N editions include the same functionality as Windows 10, except that these versions of Windows do not include Windows Media Player, and related technologies. End-user customers can enable the media functionality to work properly by installing the Media Feature Pack for N .

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    Windows 10 N editions include the same functionality as Windows 10, except that these versions of Windows do not include Windows Media Player, and related technologies. End-user customers can enable the media functionality to work properly by installing the Media Feature Pack for N . Also note the following: If you want to install the update now, select Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update, and then select Check for updates. If updates are available, install them. If version 21H1 isn't offered automatically through Check for updates, you can get it manually through the Windows Update Assistant.

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